Сведения об образовательной организации
Сведения о доходах, об имуществе и обязательствах имущественного характера руководителя и членов его семьи

International Conference The Unique and the Universal in Art, Science, and Philosophy


Call for Papers

International Conference The Unique and the Universal in Art, Science, and Philosophy

Deadline: February 1, 2020

Dates: 19 – 21 May, 2020


Conference Venue: Department of Philosophy and Media Communications, Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia


Recognizing the importance of developing collaboration, friendship and mutual trust, attaching a great significance to direct cooperation between people of different countries and cultures, Kazan State Power Engineering University announces that an International Conference will be held on May 19 – 21, 2020, dedicated to the Unique and the Universal in Art, Science, and Philosophy”.

Please send your abstracts up to 500 words in Times New Roman, 14, to Conference Director prof. Elina Minnullina and/or to Conference Review Panel Coordinator prof. Emily Tajsin to uuasp_kgeu@mail.ru  no later than February 1, 2020.


Topics to be addressed could include (but are not limited to):

- human being in the aspect of his/her unique and universal qualities;

- actual problems of cognition in art, philosophy, natural and social sciences;

- the language of art and science as a means of expressing the singular and repetitive;

- images of modernity: unique events and laws.


All submissions circulated for double-anonymous peer-review.

Authors will be notified by March 1, 2020.

Conference languages: English, Russian.

Conference fee is 50 euro.




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